About us

A passion that connects generations

We believe with conviction that, like us, many people love, adore and admire the cars we offer for sale. These cult, young and oldtimer vehicles are intended for both collectors and hobbyists. We select and purchase the cars with high critical standards. We act with maximum precision in order to ensure that the cars reach new-age condition. The result of this passionate effort is manifested in both the aesthetic and technical parameters, such as the correction of paint defects, the removal of interior wear, or even the inspection and possible repair of the complete drivetrain, the renewal of the brakes, the chassis and the replacement of fluids.

Miklós Császár 

My old dream came true when my sons and I decided to open this store. It was nice to see the enthusiasm with which they - just like me - work on restoring these cars to their new condition as much as possible. I hope that we can provide a lot of joy not only to my age group, but also to the younger generations with our activities. To this end, we pay special attention to quality, so that not only the aesthetics, but also the technical content is as perfect as possible.

Zoltán Császár

Thanks to my father, I was exposed to the "western car" feeling even when I was a small child. By a stroke of luck, we were able to take delivery of our first BMW from MERKUR in 1988. It was a huge change compared to the previous Eastern block cars and it established my relationship with the cars of the 80s and 90s for life. As the embodiment of my childhood passion, I bought my first hobby car in 2014, from which the foundations of this business grew, as it is my determined goal that, after careful preparation, the vehicles I wanted so much 20-30 years ago will be in the hands of similarly obsessed owners.

Zsolt Császár

I've been interested in cars for as long as I can remember, I've always dreamed of doing it. When I was young, whenever I could, I spent my free time poring over car magazines, catalogs and, of course, collecting model cars. When I was a child, my father, being a very busy man, was on the road a lot. Almost all the time spent with him was in an e34 535i BMW. I loved the sound, shape, and dynamics of the car, with every breath I took in the smell and the feeling of life. This passion, this obsession, is what I trust is reflected in the quality of the cars we offer for sale. I sincerely hope that soon we can welcome you among our satisfied customers!

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